10th December 2016 Land Value and it Relationship to Government Contracts Land Value and its Relationship to Government Contracts: An exploration of land and its value as it evolves through stages of development from agricultural to industrial to commercial purposes. It is suggested that those who influence and control the allocation of government contracts are connected to developers and the financial services to which they collaborate. From this train of events so too are the jobs created and moved from area to area depending upon the politics of the participants in this process.
10th December 2016 Labor Unions Their Formation and Decline The Capitalists fear at the time of the rise of Communism supported the implementation of the unions and once Communism imploded, we explore the implementation of the plan to regain complete control over the economy by the undermining of American unionism.
10th December 2016 Poverty and Capitalism Capitalism in creating wealth paradoxically creates poverty in an equal manner. The need to introduce ethics into Capitalism so that the outcome is a healthy life for all citizens.
10th December 2016 Employment Obstacles for the Poor Employment Obstacles for the Poor: An exploration into why jobs are not equally accessible to the poor.
10th December 2016 What Poor People Need to Know About Money What Poor People Need to Know about Money: A journey into money as to how it is created, given value, circulated, its influence on job creation, and used to undermine the economic welfare of the poor.
10th December 2016 Awakening to the Disturbing Economic Value of Crime Awakening to the Disturbing Economic Value of Crime: An exploration of criminal behavior and how it is created by those who benefit from the prosecution of criminals and by the politicians who benefit from law and order platforms.